“Bikes Are Cool” -Elvis

Time again for the Rosemont Dad’s Club Bike-In Movie. This Friday at 7pm, two-wheel it over to 719 N Rosemont for family-friendly outdoor flick. What’s being shown is still a big secret, but I’ve heard it’s a 2015 film. Free hot dogs for the kiddos will be available, and $10 gets big kids (aka adults) a plate of BBQ. In its third year, this event is a crowd-pleaser.

Rosemont Dad’s Club donates funds raised to help supplement activities at Rosemont Elementary. They also donate time and resources to help maintain the fields at lower campus.

Make sure to pack a blanket or chairs for your seating pleasure. And in case you haven’t seen the forecast for Friday evening, it’s supposed to be perfect fall weather. Clear, with temperatures is mid to low 70’s. Enjoy!